Happy Valentines Day to all. Sooooo....did you get anything good? Did you do anything special with your special somebody. Special somebodies don't always have to be hubbys or boyfriends either...I think my kids are pretty special and they count too!!
So as stated in my previous post - I had to be endure 2.5 hrs of Gander Mtn on Saturday night. (Not that bad, I took my nook- found a nice couch and read, so really it was win/win) Then afterwards we went to Five Guys (can we say the BEST hamburg and French Fries eva'!!) Then we hit up Barnes and Noble and just hung out. It was a great night...but....come on...Gander?? I should get something for that!! You see, we aren't what you would call "Gander or Bass Pro Shop" kinda people. However, Hubby has picked up a hobby in the last year and we have gone there a few times....it's never quick...ever! I have learned....bring a book. Usually I get to stop at the Scrap/Stamp store...but I didn't even get to do that this time!
On Sunday, hubby totally made it up to me. (Such a great guy) 1st stop...Coach store. Yup...I'm sporting a new coach bag. He totally knows the way to my heart! After that, we went to "The Melting Pot"....Love that place. He had never been....so the experience was all new to him. He really liked it thought. I mean, even if the food is bad (which it totally was not..it was delish)..the dessert makes you forget about everything else. We got the "valentines" special. We had yummy cheese fondue with bread and veggies to dip. Then a wonderful Ceasar salad. Next was a tray of meats and veggies. Yumm-o...and last but certainly NOT least... Chocolate Fondue served with a tray of the most yummy items to dip into Chocolate. I tell you, we really needed to be rolled outta that place! LOL
So since we ditched the children on Sat night and Sunday....we are making it up to them today and YES, they have mentioned it REPEATEDLY how we ditched them!! They will come home to some special little treats this evening and I am making them a special dinner and dessert to go along with it. What will dessert be (because that is the MOST important part of ANY dinner)? I am making Chocolate Fondue! LOL I have to stop at the store and get some things to dip in it but I think the kids are going to love it. Of course, they probably would have loved being at the Melting Pot with us better, but hey...Mommy and Daddy needed a Date!
Sorry for the long post, I will end it with some pictures of my honey bun and me!! Old and New! hahahahahahaha
This is recent....isn't he adorable??
OH MY! This is us when we were dating (all of 2 months)! LOL Omg...I was 21...boy have we changed!!! Look at his hair...ack!
Hrmm..I think we were married about a week or so here...1999....good year! (There goes that hair agian though!)
I suck with words..so here is what I want to say to my honey bunny! I love you...I love You.....I LOVE YOU!!! Love always, Tracy a.k.a. Cake Whore ;-)
(Do not be offended...this is his pet name for me...bc I LOVE cake...yes...LOVE! Hahahaha)
Have a great one and I will see you back here next Tuesday with the next Magnolia-Licoius Challenge. Don't forget to get your Pink/Red/and Black cards in for the Challenge. Chance to win a $25.00 GC to the Magnolia-licous store! ;-)))