I shared my workspace some time ago, however I just re-arranged and re-did it a little. So I thought I would share it again! Plus I have quite a few extra followers since then. I love my space and I am VERY grateful to have a space that is ALL MINE! Althought my daughter has taken some of it and she now calls it "our" space. But I put her back into place!! hehehe It's mine, all mine! lol This is long post, so grab a cup o' Joe and relax!
My friend stopped by last night while I was in the middle of doing this...lets just say....it was a DISASTER!! I can't even describe it, I should have taken pictures! LOL

So let's take the tour..... the above is where I work. See that big blank wall, I need some ideas for it. I keep holding off thinking something better will come along...but so far....nothing has really made me want to do it. The only thing that I am leaning towards right now is towel racks for all of my punches. I use the border punches quite a bit and right now they are shoved into a basket in one of the cupboards on the right of me. The wood drawers I bought from Ikea. I had this bright idea that I would paint them and decorate them....that was 3 years ago. I still intend to do that, I swear! Next to that are all my CTMH inks. Then my OTT-Lite (I can not work without this now...Love it!) Next my meager supply of Copics. I need more...but I have put off buying more because I have been buying refills instead and ouch, those hurt the wallet!! I was terrified of running out of ink in my favorite colors lol Next is some misc crap...then there is a paint brush holder my FIL made. In the white shelves (I need to paint this espresso) I have mostly prima flowers, buttons and some paints. In front of that is my beloved sewing machine. I keep all of my used frequently tools in the turn-about from pampered chef. Next......

The cube is the Expedit from Ikea, I love that thing. It has all sorts of "crap" in it. Mostly scrapbooking supplies. Albums, chipboard, misc. The black desk in the middle of the room is from Pier One. I had to have this....however, now I kinda wish I didn't have to have this! LOL I love it, but sometimes it is in the way. I had it up against the window out of the way, but it was pretty much being used as a junk table. So when I rearranged I put it back in the middle. When my friends come over I will just have to scoot it on out to put up a folding table. No biggie. Ohhh, and do you see my new computer? Isn't that screen the coolest! I love it. It's a 24" widescreen monitor. I love my new puter...its wonderful...and mine! :-) The wall words "Create Life's Memories" are from Uppercase Living. I love wall words...just sayin'.

The short shelf under the window holds my big tools (big shot, cricut, etc) The box in the corner is my poor excuse for a light box. It's seen better days. But it works...so why fix something that ain't broke. (technically) lol The first tall book case is also from Ikea. It holds all my papers. The bottom shelf and part of the one above however, is my daughters. The next bookase is in the process of being reorganized. Right now it's a mod-podge of stuff. So we will ignore that. Then next to it, you can't see it in the picture" is another bookcase and it holds all of my stamps and you can see this below:

The top shelf are all of my Magnolias. The 2nd shelf holds other companies and the only Stampin' Up stamps that I have left. I had 2 or 3 HUGE boxes full of SU at one point, but have slowly sold them. I have 6 sets to put on ebay this week, as a matter of fact. The next shelves have my misc. wood block stamps. I hate wood block stamps, but some I keep cuz' ya never know. The rest of the white bins are all of my Close to my Heart stamps. I also have 2 more of those in my "Sell" pile, which you can't see!!
This is next to my workspace and it now holds all of my WOC flowers and ribbons.
Ok, so thats it. Thanks for looking and have a fabulous weekend!!!!!!! I know I plan too! Heading to Carrabas tonight to have dinner with a friend. Tomorrow I have a halloween party to go to...so I will be busy, busy, busy!